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> Harry Chapin Moderated Message Board
Harry Chapin Moderated Message Board
Welcome to the HarryChapin.com Message Board! This is a moderated forum for discussing Harry's music and work.
If you are looking for general discussion among Harry Chapin fans, there is an excellent forum at Yahoo for this purpose.
[ Post Message ]
- Song: Corey's Coming - Corey 22:00:43 11/26/11
- SONG: CAROLINE - BOB on LONG ISLAND 20:21:21 11/17/11
- tributes - ant 14:46:34 11/05/11
- zinger - ted nichols 19:32:37 11/01/11
- Harry Chapin Signature on Check - Tony 09:46:52 10/23/11
- harry chapin Songbook - andree Baumann 14:56:58 10/16/11
- Songs of Harry ChapIn - Anna Marie 22:06:37 10/15/11
- Reminder - Philly Area Steve Chapin Band this Friday evening - MikeC 13:56:58 10/11/11
- Philly Area Harry Chapin Fans - SAVE THE DATE - MikeC 14:51:14 09/22/11
- Harry Chapin Radio on iPhone 4 - Scott Sivakoff 19:54:46 09/02/11
- Mr. Tanner - Charlie 15:47:38 08/04/11
- karoke for the song Circle - Mae 07:09:06 07/31/11
- URGENT! NEED HELP LOCATING MOVIE - Paul Gibson 12:47:57 07/30/11
- THE GREAT LATE HARRY CHAPIN!!!!! - JIM STEWART 15:27:38 07/19/11
- 30 years? - Bill Weiss 16:34:00 07/13/11
- New Chapin Article Posted at our Website - M. Ferguson 17:00:38 07/07/11
- moegulley@ymail.com - John Gulley 03:29:50 07/04/11
- Sounds Like America To Me - Jim Phillips 00:01:21 06/30/11
- Taxi songs - Lynne 00:50:45 06/27/11
- lies and legends - preebs 23:58:26 05/21/11
- purchase complete collection of every song - George R Braneff 15:40:49 05/13/11
- Now Launched! Harry Chapin Radio! And it's FREE! - Mike Grayeb 22:03:21 04/28/11
- Coming Soon: Harry Chapin Radio - Mike Grayeb 02:21:41 04/23/11
- Permission to use lyrics - Georgia Davis 16:09:11 04/20/11
- Harry Chapin in Watertown - Mark Busam 23:04:40 04/05/11
- Live footage of Harry - Phil 18:32:45 03/27/11
- Mr. Tanner's Cleaners - Scott 21:03:28 03/20/11
- t-shirt - Glenda 10:16:14 03/05/11
- Music/Songs - Brian 00:48:25 02/08/11
- 30 years - Angelique 18:42:46 01/22/11
- song - gloria 11:50:34 01/22/11
- Harry will never be far from my life - BOB on L.I. 06:55:45 01/15/11
- Feel Like I've Lost a Friend and I Never Even Knew Him - gp 20:38:59 01/10/11
- favored hand? - roy 21:30:04 01/09/11
- A Great Person - Mike 11:53:13 01/07/11
- "Where In The World Is Harry Chapin Tonight" - Robert Dean 14:01:34 01/02/11
- Cello charts - Daniel J. 10:15:29 01/01/11
- Best story teller EVER!! - willie 21:21:45 12/31/10
- Next time never came - willie 15:05:51 12/22/10
- Remembering HARRY we all miss you - Tom Tonks Sr. 09:50:50 12/18/10
- Harry left such a legacy! - J.Butler 18:43:14 12/16/10
- Happy Birthday, Harry! - Janet CHAPIN 17:57:57 12/07/10
- Six String Orchestrea - Jon M. 22:16:56 12/02/10
- Houston Concert - Liz 21:02:40 12/01/10
- ELEKTRA DOCUMENTARY - chris alexander 05:45:17 11/30/10
- Singing - David Samuelson 02:10:54 11/25/10
- Video of 1987 HC Benefit at Carnegie Hall - Richard Jones 15:06:23 11/22/10
- harry - james finch 16:38:06 11/16/10
- Re: harry - Colonel Robert Morris 18:58:30 11/21/10
- Lyrics Definition - Telly Diaz 23:43:44 11/10/10
- 30 000 kilos ... of baltic herring - Antti 13:05:54 11/08/10
- If my Mary was here. - David 16:50:14 11/04/10
- Cotton Patch Gospel - KCall 10:56:33 10/22/10
- Still a legend after all these years. - Helen Schofield 17:07:58 10/14/10
- Harry's music - marty burns 20:03:04 10/11/10
- I finally found you Harry - Neil 14:56:04 10/02/10
- story of a life - floppy 04:23:13 09/29/10
- Harry's songs come to life - Joe 16:34:40 09/02/10
- The two best concerts I ever experienced! - Greg Jackson 03:41:36 08/28/10
- Saturday Morning - john 22:06:56 08/26/10
- Harry Chapin poem - T. Immonen 07:57:26 08/15/10
- Finally..... - MayBee 01:57:04 08/06/10
- Harry's recording potential for 1981 and 1982 - Joe 09:20:15 07/25/10
- July - Harry Month - Mike - Ireland 16:36:43 07/17/10
- Good tired, Bad tired - David 03:35:42 07/17/10
- Sad Anniversary - Kelly 11:00:03 07/16/10
- Sequel album - Harry's gift to us - Joe 21:26:08 07/14/10
- Corey's Coming - christine whitelock 14:18:53 07/06/10
- I Visited Harry today - jake 18:37:49 07/04/10
- Thank You - Ben Moriarty 16:12:25 07/01/10
- Taxi - chris 09:04:41 06/30/10
- harry - Rene 21:20:36 06/22/10
- mix of beatle songs - sam 20:05:32 06/07/10
- link to Harry's Obit is broken - Greg 18:06:59 06/05/10
- July tribute concert in PA w/Big John & Howard - John McMenamin 13:42:28 06/01/10
- Legends about "Cats in the cradle". - Matthew Pancake 08:20:29 04/30/10
- Just lovin' Harry Chapin - Denise Friedel 21:58:19 04/28/10
- Lies and Legends - preebs 01:09:52 04/17/10
- MORE HARRY POETRY.... - BOB...Long Island,NY 15:19:34 04/14/10
- Harry's Influence - Stephen 07:15:04 04/13/10
- a genY fan message - Kate 09:00:45 04/12/10
- HARRY CHAPIN: A CELEBRATION IN SONG 4-10-10 - BOB 11:22:31 04/07/10
- The Last Protest Singer - Joe 19:36:18 03/27/10
- Mismatch tabs - David 09:45:43 03/26/10
- Harry's Concerts - Trish 14:05:56 03/25/10
- Upcoming LUNCH Tribute To Harry - Scott 21:28:15 03/24/10
- Story of a Life: the Harry Chapin Movie - Mick 06:37:44 03/14/10
- The Shortest Story - Pat 09:08:27 03/07/10
- Legends of the Lost and Found/We Were Three - Corey Thomas 11:37:57 02/20/10
- Possible rare, unreleased recordings from the Chapin Foundation? - MikeC 12:39:26 02/17/10
- What would be on your Harry Chapin "Unreleased Mix"? - Joe 22:25:53 02/16/10
- Please come to boston - Judy R. 12:56:41 02/08/10
- "Story of a Life" book - Richard 14:35:01 02/04/10
- dance Band on the Titanic - Glynn 08:51:40 01/28/10
- My 5 favorite HARRY songs... - BOB 18:39:17 01/19/10
- Food Pantry - sharon corner 15:05:42 01/13/10
- World Hunger Walk - Camille Ravaioli 10:26:33 01/07/10
- HE MOVED ME - BOB...Long Island, N.Y. 12:54:29 01/06/10
- Remenber - Anna Malm 03:10:54 01/03/10
- King Biscuit Flour Hour - kenholmz 15:25:22 12/16/09
- Looking for CD - Sally 08:32:57 12/13/09
- writer - molly 11:04:19 12/04/09
- Searching for Harry Chapin singing "Dear Abby" - Tom 03:53:51 12/01/09
- Song about color (racism) - Lucy 02:31:44 12/01/09
- Mr. Tanner - Ed 11:40:08 11/27/09
- harry chapin and his music and life - john chapa 11:07:14 11/25/09
- Harry's last concert - Duane 15:49:56 11/12/09
- Harry Chopin - William Sinamigo 07:32:09 11/04/09
- SHORT STORIES deserves better - Mac Man 06:37:33 11/04/09
- test pressing - michael donovan 10:35:33 10/29/09
- legends of the lost and found album - alex 09:58:31 10/28/09
- Bummer - Isaac 19:01:16 10/19/09
- Harry Chapin tribute KEY WEST - Lynn Mazuer 14:48:10 10/12/09
- Cotton Patch Gospel in Chicago - Marty Acks 19:55:48 10/07/09
- Harry's live music - Mary 14:29:17 10/06/09
- Harry's Music and Big John Wallace - Wayne Robertson 14:50:26 10/01/09
- THE CIRCLE OF MY LIFE - Claire 17:16:22 09/29/09
- Trying to remember a song... - Valerie 21:54:36 09/21/09
- The Stories - Tim Doyle 19:47:32 09/19/09
- dancing boy - Mike 18:52:21 09/18/09
- new novel inspired by Chapin's WOLD now available - Larry Baker 12:32:35 09/16/09
- upcoming Steve Chapin show in Cincinnati, Ohio - Scott 07:32:36 09/13/09
- His music - Rebecca Frank 01:07:12 09/13/09
- Shooting Star Background - dgs 03:09:30 09/11/09
- Remember his influence - Dan Nuckols 13:44:57 09/03/09
- song title - moody 21:43:12 09/02/09
- Trying to Remember a Harry Chapin Concert - Dan 15:08:16 08/30/09
- New "Greatest Stories Live" Petition - Corey Krannacker 11:28:46 08/18/09
- Me and Harry - Don Feldstein 17:21:03 08/17/09
- "We're black and brown and yellow, you know it isn't right" - Corey Krannacker 14:36:33 08/17/09
- Harry at CWPost 5/81 - tc3 19:03:17 08/16/09
- I met harry Chapin in Laramie, Wyoming in the mid-1970's - Pam Manson 22:26:38 08/08/09
- Cat's in the Cradle - HarryChapin4me 14:45:58 08/08/09
- "Greatest Stories Live" Petition - Corey Krannacker 12:59:29 08/06/09
- Thank you Harry - Linda Lee 23:17:41 08/01/09
- Timeless Music of Harry Chapin - Rick Wainright 17:30:39 07/27/09
- Harry Chapin: A Celebration In Song featuring The Chapin Family - State Theatre 12:54:21 07/27/09
- what's that song? - mary lou 19:46:10 07/26/09
- All New England & NY area fans - Elise 23:09:08 07/23/09
- Harry Chapin - A Celebration in Song - Daniel Grossman 18:01:58 07/23/09
- HELP: She is always seventeen - john doe 00:04:02 07/22/09
- July 16, 2009 - Mike - Ireland 20:10:22 07/16/09
- July 16, 1981 - Ed 07:51:48 07/16/09
- Inspirational Events for harry's Songs - Christopher 14:48:51 06/23/09
- 30,000 pounds of Bananas - Frank 18:12:38 06/12/09
- 30,000 pounds of Bananas - Frank 18:11:30 06/12/09
- Harry Chapin: A Celebration In Song Featuring the Chapin Family - State Theatre 13:31:32 06/11/09
- Greedy relatives - Me 21:27:04 06/10/09
- story from a lifelong fan who plays in a Chapin tribute band - ishi 22:15:32 05/28/09
- Lyric -- which song? - Jennifer 11:30:57 05/22/09
- We all miss you Harry - Mike 03:03:12 05/05/09
- Never forgotten - Bryan 10:49:53 05/02/09
- I'm STILL looking for a recording of "Greasy Spoon"! - Len Jaffe 06:39:58 04/30/09
- Is there a CD/DVD of last concert which was in L.A. - Susan Greeley 14:32:12 04/29/09
- What Made America Famous - Carmelo J. Corica 22:43:43 04/26/09
- Harry Live - Chuck 16:29:04 04/22/09
- Susan Boyle drove me to this site - Kerry Davis 21:26:44 04/18/09
- life and so far no jobs 4/16/2009 - ron 15:56:48 04/16/09
- harry in new orleans - knee 18:46:49 04/15/09
- Autographed "T'' shirt - Bob Vangermeersch 20:01:44 04/14/09
- Taxi - Rush 22:30:02 04/11/09
- chords - Taya 16:11:51 04/11/09
- harry - wayne 19:57:49 04/06/09
- Life & Love........ - James Costa 08:01:42 03/31/09
- story of a life - chip 21:16:52 03/29/09
- Harry Chapin Needed - Margi Jakobson 12:30:41 03/18/09
- co-writes - bud 18:37:46 03/11/09
- Looking for music - Sue 19:44:37 03/03/09
- Harry in Europe - John Sinden 01:49:59 03/01/09
- Harry - Cindy 20:15:42 02/28/09
- Old Song - Dave 16:34:36 02/27/09
- Tragically Hip - bill 08:27:20 02/26/09
- Sandy - Sandy 16:49:13 02/20/09
- The Night That Made America Famous - Brandon 10:09:08 02/11/09
- W*O*L*D - Mike 15:49:55 02/05/09
- Is Harry Related To ...? - Chopin Board 09:59:54 01/27/09
- still miss him - Jeff N. 18:49:15 01/20/09
- Meeting Harry - Scott B. 21:25:22 01/17/09
- There only was one choice - ChrisL 00:51:18 01/14/09
- Environmental Songs - Matt Young 21:18:21 01/08/09
- sound track to my life - sian 10:09:11 01/08/09
- Cats in the Cradle - Jean 12:23:50 01/03/09
- merry christmas harry - tim palatrone 14:27:06 12/25/08
- The Nightflight Cafe: Savannah, Ga. 1979 - Paul Mueller 21:03:06 12/16/08
- wondering about Taxi... - Carol 19:28:53 12/09/08
- question - lindasegura 16:32:43 11/29/08
- Born in 75' - Doug Trabel 23:33:22 11/24/08
- Thanks Brian - Cheryl 22:31:29 11/18/08
- Wasn't there another biography in the works? - Peter 13:00:45 11/17/08
- Mr. Tanner - Martha 22:48:21 11/10/08
- My experience - Martha 22:39:48 11/10/08
- Re: My experience - Dan Holdredge 19:19:33 12/10/08
- Re: My experience - Dan Holdredge 19:16:06 12/10/08
- Re: My experience- I have a wonderful story to tell you. I too, was at the concert at Louisiana Tech. In fact, if you remember, during the closing song CIRCLE, Harry explained to the audience that the flower arrangement on the piano "Had been sent, along with a special letter, to him from someone in attendence. He then ask that person to come on stage and sing a chorus of CIRCLE with the group. I AM THAT PERSON. Before that night, Harry had already had a profound effect on my life and the letter I sent him was done to try to offer thanks. My wife and I never expected anything to come of it but boy, something did. There is a follow-up story to this and I will be happy to share it if you are interested. Bottom line; I wrote a letter to Sandy 11 years ago in hopes of someday getting my thanks to her and her family. I have carried that letter in my briefcase for these 11 years and by another miracle, was finally placed in Sandy's hands last night. It is a great story and 100% truthful. My wife and I waited to last in line that first night, Sept. 21, 1977 and Harry was gracious enough to talk to us for nearly an hour. My wife was pregnant at the time and when we saw him two years later, he remembered us and ask if the child was a boy or girl. - Mike Green 13:29:49 11/20/08
- Lyricist Blueprints Vol.1 - Prodigal Son 22:40:54 11/02/08
- Chords to Old College Ave. - Greg 11:54:41 10/22/08
- Harry Chapin photos - 11/11/1979 - Birmingham, Alabama - Bill Allen 10:50:26 10/19/08
- Seeking title of a Harry Chapin song - Marie 13:36:28 10/13/08
- Harry Chapin - Sam Brown 11:13:04 10/10/08
- harrys music - donna 21:45:00 10/06/08
- Harry Comes to DVD - harry Jacobs 12:28:52 09/30/08
- Autographed First Edition "Looking...Seeing" poems and lyrics by Harry Chapin - skinnergy 19:42:48 09/29/08
- Harry's lyrics - chris 06:09:39 09/10/08
- Harry's new songs - TRM 15:43:18 09/05/08
- Tears - Mel 14:25:54 09/05/08
- My reflections - Scott Harrington 20:19:47 08/31/08
- the day harry died - John 01:21:12 08/31/08
- Casey's Last Ride - Susan 15:35:08 08/16/08
- Music, melodies and memories - pattie 13:33:37 08/15/08
- taxi song - michael stanich 14:35:39 08/05/08
- Is LOTLAF on CD? - Jason 13:10:39 08/03/08
- TOUR DATES - Vicki 22:12:50 07/27/08
- Remember When the Music - sheet music - MWS 09:26:11 07/26/08
- Wonderful Harry - Carol 00:55:29 07/26/08
- Legends of the Lost & Found CD - Chris L 09:55:04 07/24/08
- The Greatest Storyteller of All Time - Kathleen Johnson 09:30:59 07/21/08
- July 16 Concert Poster - Douglas Finkel 08:48:12 07/21/08
- Guitar - Brooks 18:48:26 07/20/08
- Could you put your light on Please- Demo 45-info please? - Louise 20:55:12 07/17/08
- July 16 - Mike 08:45:12 07/16/08
- Reminder: Remembering Harry concert July 26 - John McMenamin 10:24:54 07/14/08
- DVD format - Digger 16:04:26 07/11/08
- Cottonpatch Gospel on I-Tunes - James Zemba 09:09:16 07/06/08
- Oh, Harry!! Listening to you is like going to church!! - Greg Jackson 18:54:57 07/01/08
- lies and legends - darin dahms 17:07:29 06/29/08
- circle - Faigy 22:43:35 06/28/08
- menings of songs - Richard 14:42:08 06/26/08
- looking for a song - Allen 22:52:20 06/22/08
- Feeling the vibes from Harry - Michael Garofalo 21:47:06 06/15/08
- Up on a shelf - mike carey 22:28:59 06/12/08
- You are The Only Song - Joan Molis 18:41:11 06/12/08
- Miss Ya' Harry - Ed 14:04:20 06/10/08
- co /songwriter to harry - tim mitchell 18:48:04 06/09/08
- Remembering Harry Chapin - Matt Sarconi 23:54:05 06/08/08
- trying to find - Larry Krupinski 18:04:18 06/06/08
- autographed frisbee - Heather 03:26:31 06/03/08
- Remembering Harry concert July 26 Southwestern PA - John McMenamin 14:19:38 06/02/08
- Memories of Chuck & Harry...LOVE - Vikki D. 11:15:28 05/25/08
- I have a very rare HC item. Curious to know its value. - Scott 20:19:02 05/24/08
- there is no other like Harry - Joe 07:35:06 05/23/08
- Harry in Australia - Max Borthwick 23:14:02 05/13/08
- Miss you Harry! - Scott M. 18:43:40 05/13/08
- another Harry Story - Linda Patterson 19:45:23 05/12/08
- My Father - Ken Hilliard 10:34:27 05/03/08
- Steve Chapin Band, L.U.N.C.H. Concert May 9th in New Haven, CT - Mike Grayeb 22:29:24 04/27/08
- Roses are Red - Carol 21:41:43 04/26/08
- for one of the greatest. - michael pavich 21:29:20 04/26/08
- Remembering Harry and crew - Bonnie 00:02:22 04/25/08
- What Made America Famous.... - Josh 22:23:23 04/15/08
- Tribute Concert in New Haven - Liberty Community Services 12:54:04 04/15/08
- Harry Chapin: Celebration in Song April 20th, Raleigh - John McHenry 21:23:03 04/14/08
- A true song that reflected my life - nathaniel maloney 22:43:05 04/06/08
- HARRY, IT SUCKS! - PEGGY GRAY 23:37:05 04/04/08
- Taxi - Piano Sheet Music? - Joey 17:04:17 03/26/08
- Harry\'s Stories on Broadway...? - James 11:05:49 03/26/08
- Thanks Harry - ken james 22:49:33 03/20/08
- Mr Tanner chords - Peter G. Mac Kenzie 06:46:13 02/23/08
- Phil Ochs - croghan27 00:28:04 02/22/08
- Where is Harry - john 19:50:47 02/20/08
- Miss him - Linda 07:08:01 02/19/08
- 7 New Chapin Releases coming in 2008! - Scott Sivakoff 21:12:31 02/15/08
- mail order annie - annelise lyngstrand 21:47:17 01/31/08
- What a Showman!!! - Duke 17:45:07 01/29/08
- Great Lakes album - Kylie 22:45:17 01/24/08
- Hunger Site - Kelly 17:36:43 01/23/08
- harry chapin - barbara 18:36:12 01/22/08
- High School - Larry 08:49:32 01/13/08
- Message board is back! - Brian 19:42:27 01/05/08
Post A Message!
Unfortunately, the message board for HarryChapin.com is experiencing technical
difficulties and is disabled for the time being. We hope to bring it back soon.
Scripts and WWWBoard created by Matt Wright and can be found at Matt's Script Archive
Layout, design, images, and user-contributed text are © Copyright 1996-2017 HarryChapin.com: The Harry Chapin Archive.
"Oh, if a man tried to take his time on earth and prove before he died what one man's life could be worth, I wonder what would happen to this world?" -- Harry Chapin, 1942-1981.

The Latest Release
Sniper & Other Love Songs
In 1972, Harry released
Sniper & Other Love Songs.
Thirty years would pass before the album would ever reach the CD format. Sniper was finally re-released in June, 2002.
Originally given a working title of Sweet City Suite, the album tells the story of various characters one might run into in
a city. The album features the original studio versions of Chapin classics "A Better Place to Be" and "Circle." But
perhaps more importantly (as those songs are already well-distributed on compilation CDs), the album features seemingly
lost Chapin stories, including "And the Baby Never Cries," "Burning Herself," "Barefoot Boy," and "Woman Child."
Sniper is for the seasoned Chapin fan. New fans would do better to check out
Greatest Stories
Live. But for Chapin fans who have reached the level of the
Dance Band on the Titanic album, this is the next step. Slightly over-produced and having a little of the "forced"
feel that some of Harry's studio albums possess, this album does not capture the powerfully live Harry Chapin. Nonetheless,
it captures Harry's great iconoclastic songwriting--Harry takes the story song to new heights here. But the album works best
for those ready for it; don't buy it until you are ready to appreciate it!
