Editor Mike Grayeb Managing Editor Bill Hornung www.rnrpartners.com Writers Janis Gibson Linda Swanson Design & Layout John McMenamin Distribution & Database Management Russ Gerroir Steve Prue Concrete Marketing Inc. Contributing Advisors Sandy Chapin Jason Dermer Special Thanks Marty Acks Brian Bieluch Jaime Chapin Jen Chapin Steve Gibbons Gordon Kirkland Anna Lappe Bob Marr Linda McCarty Tim Miller Irwin Nussbaum Bill Pere Scott Sivakoff Small Planet Institute The Harry Chapin Foundation World Hunger Year Masthead photo by Diane Maple Thank you Harry and Jim. Where to find Circle! We are grateful to these websites for posting Circle!: www.chapinmusic.com www.harrychapin.com www.harrychapinfoodbank.org www.harrychapinmusic.com www.harryitsucks.com www.harrysfriends.com www.lunchensemble.com www.remembering harrychapin.com If you'd like to post Circle! on your website, please drop us a line at circleteam@hotmail.com Harry Chapin encouraged all of us to "Do something." Circle!, a free, quarterly on-line newsletter, presents ideas for social action, especially with the fight against hunger in the U.S. and around the world. Circle! is produced in its entirety by a volunteer staff. To subscribe, send an email with the word Subscribe in the subject line to circleteam@hotmail.com Let's Hear from the Cheap Seats! We'd love to hear from you with your feedback, ideas for future issues, stories about Harry, and what you or someone you know is doing to make a difference. Please drop us a line at circleteam@hotmail.com Copyright Circle! 2005. All rights reserved. | | | Does Voting Really Matter? Tim Easton is a veteran singer, songwriter and activist who, along with a few musician friends, promoted voter registration well before it became a popular cause among many artists right before the 2004 election.  | | Fan Fare: Pat Carroll  Pat Carrol remembers when Harry Chapin taught her that win or lose, commitment to something greater than one's self is what really makes life worthwhile. | | Fan Fare: Charlotte Diamond  Charlotte Diamond doesn't use her music to change the world just her corner of it. | | | | Second Annual Reader Survey Take our two-minute reader survey and you just might take home a CD recording of a live Harry Chapin concert | | | | Subscribe to Circle! Want to be automatically advised when a new issue of "Circle!" is posted? It's free! Simply click on the link above to add your address to the Circle! distribution list. In the subject line, type the word "Subscribe" and then send us your email. | |