Inside the Summer Issue: Home Page Harry Chapins Ripple of Influence Grows Every Day Jen Chapin Leads Us On A Lushly-Written Journey Into Her Life In Ready WHY Takes Holistic Approach to Fight Hunger & Poverty DMCs New Disc Strikes Many Chords Hard Rock Café Serves Up Benefit CD to Fight Hunger When Howie Met Harry: Catching Up With Drummer Howard Fields Performing Artist Inspires Audiences Through Prose Celestial Cross-Pollination Yields a Harry Chapin- Dante Anthology of Student Essays Amish Farmers Co-op Finds Innovation in Simpler Ways Still Wild About Harry Behind the CD Cause Do Something! Goat Tales Circle! Calendar Click below to read previous issues of Circle! | Celestial Cross-Pollination Yields a Harry Chapin-Dante Anthology of Student Essays  | All My Lifes A Circle...A Harry Chapin & Dante Alighieri Anthology includes two essays for each of four of HarryÕs songs, along with the lyrics for the songs, and a CD of the studio versions of the songs. Each book sells for $15 plus $3 postage, with the net proceeds to be split between The Harry Chapin Foundation and The Dante Society of America. | by Linda McCarty Taking ideas and putting them into action is a specialty of Baltimore, Maryland, English teacher Dan Christian. In his quarter century of teaching at The Gilman School, Christian has successfully merged his two passions, the music of Harry Chapin and the teaching of Dantes poem The Divine Comedy. The result is a thought-provoking and insightful spiral-bound book of student essays called All My Lifes A Circle...A Harry Chapin & Dante Alighieri Anthology. Until this year, Christians in-class efforts had been informal, with references to Harry being made as ideas arose while teaching. Recalling a concept that emerged from a 1990 seminar for teachers of Dantes work, this year Christian formally put celestial cross-pollinationthe intersection of art and literatureinto place. Christian notes, I asked my students to answer the question: Why and in what ways could a character in Dantes poem have benefited from or been enriched by listening to this particular song? Once every three weeks or so, students would check out of the school library CDs Christian made containing one of four Harry Chapin songs: A Better Place To Be, Mr. Tanner, Tangled Up Puppet, and There Only Was One Choice. According to Christian, not only did his students embrace the assignment but also they became fans of Harrys music in the process. There Only Was One Choice was the most passionate hit with the kids. They were in the Senior Room listening to it over and over. It was a delight for them to respond this way, Christian said. Some of the students comments, recorded by Christian in spontaneous reaction to hearing the music, are included in the books preface, Impressions from the Senior Room. Here is a sampling of their thoughts on There Only Was One Choice: was he harry as a kid?...i love creased and wrinkled dreams
so idealistic as a kid
maybe harry is wishing he could go back in time and tell himself what he should have done. The book includes two essays for each of Harrys songs, the lyrics for the songs, and includes a CD of the four songs. The cover, pictured on this page, reproduces paintings of Dante and Harry done by Christians students. Each book sells for $15 plus $3 postage, with the net proceeds to be split between The Harry Chapin Foundation and The Dante Society of America in gratitude for what both men and organizations have done for Christian. To order send a check for $18 made out to Daniel Christian and send it to him at 3811 Canterbury Rd., Apt. 812, Baltimore, MD. For more information, contact him at Watch for the Next Issue of Circle! on September 7 |