Inside the Summer Issue: Home Page Harry Chapins Ripple of Influence Grows Every Day Jen Chapin Leads Us On A Lushly-Written Journey Into Her Life In Ready WHY Takes Holistic Approach to Fight Hunger & Poverty DMCs New Disc Strikes Many Chords Hard Rock Café Serves Up Benefit CD to Fight Hunger When Howie Met Harry: Catching Up With Drummer Howard Fields Performing Artist Inspires Audiences Through Prose Celestial Cross-Pollination Yields a Harry Chapin- Dante Anthology of Student Essays Amish Farmers Co-op Finds Innovation in Simpler Ways Still Wild About Harry Behind the CD Cause Do Something! Goat Tales Circle! Calendar Click below to read previous issues of Circle! |  | Joe DUrsos new CD entitled Cause features audio clips of Harry Chapin speaking and DUrsos own version of Taxi. | Behind the CD Cause by Joe DUrso Cause. Harry Chapin. Garage Rock.
Not exactly three items that go together, but its where I find myself tonight as I finish work on my tenth record.
I started JD&SC a little more than 15 years ago with a good friend and two family members. Twenty-two countries and countless shows later, I find myself still writing, recording and performing.
I couldnt do it without your support, simple as that. And, with it being that simple, its a hard line to tow as an independent artist. Sam, Greg, Lou and I recorded these songs looser and more live than the past few studio releases as I wanted to capture some of our stage dynamics in the studio.
The music biz is in a state of flux, and many arent sure where its going. Then again, who ever really knows where theyre going? But lets go back to the title of this recording.
Cause. Its the reason some people live and breathe. They have a Cause and nothing gets in their way. Ive always admired those people, the ones saving lives, finding cures or trying to stop famines, war and disease. I believe those folks will get moved up in line at the Pearly Gates when St. Peter looks down at his book and says: Hmm, you were involved in a good cause, step right up! Im certain it cant get you moved back.
Harry Chapin had a Cause. His words and wisdom are on this record. You dont have to be a saint to have a Cause.
You just want to make the world a better place to be. Harry once said he was a third rate rock star. Not sure if that is true as he was the writer of several great songs and was an outstanding live performer. But I certainly feel safe saying he was a first-rate humanitarian. His main Cause was hunger though he lent his time and energy to others as well.
Your Cause may be trying to close down nuclear power plants in populated areas, or cleaning rivers so they can be used again, or taking care of the elderly, or visiting patients in the hospital, or donating time or money to veterans, or helping gather supplies for a local food bank, or rebuilding homes after natural disasters, or working with the handicapped, or collecting coats and blankets during the holidays, or helping raise funds when a co-worker has fallen sick, and they have no where else to turn, or maybe, and best yet, trying to supply a warm safe haven for your own family while not forgetting to look down the line to see if others have fallen between the cracks and seeing what you can do to help out.
There are plenty of Causes. Everyone has a Cause. Sometimes you need to look for it, and sometimes it comes looking for you.
Some call it doing Gods work. Some call it good Karma. Some just say its the right thing to do because it feels good. Whatever your reasoning is, just find something to make your world a little bit better.
Maybe youre already there. Maybe youve found your Cause. If so, good on you! If not, do something.
Dont listen to the cynics. No is easy; Yes is hard.
Harry Chapin was trying. He tried endlessly. Harry was killed in a car accident on July 16, 1981. I wasnt introduced to the full body of his music until much later after his death; but, by chance, the first song I ever sang on stage was Harrys great story song Taxi. Many feel the musical activism of the early 1980s was a direct result of Harrys message and his tireless work for causes. Nearly half the shows he performed were benefits.
Oh if a man tried to take his time on earth and prove before he died, what one mans life could be worth, I wonder what would happen to this world. Those are Harrys words engraved on his headstone. Naive? Pie in the sky? Maybe, but Ill take my chances. After all, I have a lot of work to do before St. Peter even considers moving me up in line.
I try to sing from a true place. Wish I could sell millions of records and make more of a difference, but thats really a cop out. Last time I checked Gandhi, Mother Teresa, Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King Jr., Jonas Salk and countless others didnt sell millions of records and they made a difference. They had a Cause. But these folks are the outstanding exceptions. There are many folks in our own towns and communities who make a big difference in their own way with their Cause. Find yours and move up in line.  | Singer-songwriter Joe DUrso, who leads the band Joe DUrso and Stone Caravan, is a member of WHYs Artists Against Hunger & Poverty program and a longtime WHY supporter and Hungerthon volunteer. The story above originally appeared as liner notes in DUrsos latest CD, entitled Cause. The CD features several recorded speaking segments by Harry Chapin and DUrsos own cover of Taxi. You can learn more about DUrso and his music at | Watch for the Next Issue of Circle! on September 7 |