Editor Mike Grayeb Managing Editor Bill Hornung www.rnrpartners.com Writers Janis Gibson Freddy S. Zalta Design & Layout John McMenamin Distribution & Database Management Russ Gerroir Steve Prue Concrete Marketing Inc. Contributing Advisors Sandy Chapin Jason Dermer Special Thanks Marty Acks Bill Ayres Robert Berkowitz Peter A. Blacksberg Hawley Botchford Brian Bieluch Hawley Botchford Dana Chapin Jaime Chapin Jen Chapin Josh Chapin Tom Chapin Steve Gibbons Elspeth Hart Ken Kragen Jane Levine Larry Levine Bob Marr Linda McCarty Tim Miller Bill Pere Leslie Ramme Scott Sivakoff Pegge Strella Marcia Thomas The Harry Chapin Foundation USA For Africa World Hunger Year Masthead photo by Diane Maple Thank you Harry and Jim. Where to find Circle! We are grateful to these websites for posting Circle!: www.chapinmusic.com www.harrychapin.com www.harrychapinfoodbank.org www.harrychapinmusic.com www.harryitsucks.com www.harrysfriends.com www.lunchensemble.com www.remembering harrychapin.com If you'd like to post Circle! on your website, please drop us a line at circleteam@hotmail.com Harry Chapin encouraged all of us to "Do something." Circle!, a free, quarterly on-line newsletter, presents ideas for social action, especially with the fight against hunger in the U.S. and around the world. Circle! is produced in its entirety by a volunteer staff. To subscribe, send an email with the word Subscribe in the subject line to circleteam@hotmail.com Let's Hear from the Cheap Seats! We'd love to hear from you with your feedback, ideas for future issues, stories about Harry, and what you or someone you know is doing to make a difference. Please drop us a line at circleteam@hotmail.com Copyright Circle! 2004. All rights reserved. | | Season's Spinnin' Around Again As we complete our second year of "Circle!" with this issue, we reflect on what we've set out to accomplish, what we've achieved, and what we still have left to do. | | Behind the Song: "We Are the World"  The song and its parent non-profit organization USA For Africa celebrate their twentieth anniversary on January 28 with the sale of a commemorative two-DVD set | | Ken Kragen Recalls Harry's "Do Something" Motto When in doubt DO SOMETHING. The late Harry Chapin spoke these words to me when I tried to point out to him the enormous difficulty he faced in his almost single-handed attempt to eliminate world hunger in his own lifetime. | | Everybody Has a Goat Tale For about two years, Bill Hornung wrote Goat Tales, a weekly online column that combined personal anecdotes with stories about innovative organizations and individuals that make the world a better place. | |  The Chapin Sisters Head West; No Rush to Strike Gold The grand plan for the Chapin Sisters the newest generation from the ever-expanding musical Chapin family is, well, not to have a plan. | | Florida Food Banks Seek Support After Extreme Storm Season Over the past couple of months, the Harry Chapin Food Banks have been tested beyond all expectations. Storm after storm ravaged Southwest Florida, changing the lives of all in the path. | |  "Celebration in Song" Concert Helps Fuel Fight Against Hunger WHY (World Hunger Year) and The Harry Chapin Memorial Run Against Hunger teamed up October 17th to present "Harry Chapin: A Celebration in Song," a benefit concert to fight hunger, starring The Chapin Family & Friends. | | | | Reflections From Harry's Mom: An Interview with Elspeth Hart  In a recent interview, Elspeth Hart shared with Circle! a mother's perspective on Harry's childhood and his development and success as a singer-songwriter and social activist. | | Hey Kids, You Can Make A Difference...  Congratulations on ten years of believing Kids Can Make A Difference and helping tens of thousands of kids to do just that, in so many ways. | | I photographed Harry Chapin numerous times on Long Island, New York, throughout the 1970s. | | Pre-MTV Video of "Taxi"; No $2.50 Fare Required The Chapin Office has digitized and made available for free viewing the original short film that was produced at the time of the launch of Harry's first hit story song, "Taxi." | | | | Subscribe to Circle! Want to be automatically advised when a new issue of "Circle!" is posted? It's free! Simply click on the link above to add your address to the Circle! distribution list. In the subject line, type the word "Subscribe" and then send us your email. | |