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Cat's in the Cradle
I too, find my self reflecting upon Harry's songs as my life progresses.
At this point in my life, Cat's In The Cradle is especially meaningful for
me, being the mother of two young boys as well as working full time in a
stressful job. I recently turned down a promotion opportunity because it
would involve travel, and the words from this song "there were planes to
catch and bills to pay, he learned to walk while I was away", were very
influential on me. I do not want to miss any of the important moments of
my children's lives. As it is I hear Harry's words echoing too often from
my own mouth, "I said, 'not today, I've got a lot to do'" and too often
the response is just like in the song "that's okay". Sometimes it is
unavoidable, but each time it makes me stop and think. When my life
starts to become too chaotic with outside pressures that take me away from
my family, I just turn on some of Harry's music, and get back in touch
with what really matters in life...the people I care about.
I am so glad I found this newsgroup! Saw Harry in concert four times (one
time I saw him perform twice in one night -second time in the "cheap
seats"). His music has touched my life, my heart and my soul.
"You can always count on the cheap seats"
From: chapinsfan@aol.com (Chapinsfan)
Newsgroups: alt.music.harry-chapin
Subject: Re: Making decisions based on HC lines?
Date: 30 Mar 1997 02:37:21 GMT
Organization: AOL http://www.aol.com
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Layout, design, images, and user-contributed text are © Copyright 1996-2009 HarryChapin.com: The Harry Chapin Archive.
"Oh, if a man tried to take his time on earth and prove before he died what one man's life could be worth, I wonder what would happen to this world?" -- Harry Chapin, 1942-1981.

The Latest Release
Sniper & Other Love Songs
In 1972, Harry released
Sniper & Other Love Songs.
Thirty years would pass before the album would ever reach the CD format. Sniper was finally re-released in June, 2002.
Originally given a working title of Sweet City Suite, the album tells the story of various characters one might run into in
a city. The album features the original studio versions of Chapin classics "A Better Place to Be" and "Circle." But
perhaps more importantly (as those songs are already well-distributed on compilation CDs), the album features seemingly
lost Chapin stories, including "And the Baby Never Cries," "Burning Herself," "Barefoot Boy," and "Woman Child."
Sniper is for the seasoned Chapin fan. New fans would do better to check out
Greatest Stories
Live. But for Chapin fans who have reached the level of the
Dance Band on the Titanic album, this is the next step. Slightly over-produced and having a little of the "forced"
feel that some of Harry's studio albums possess, this album does not capture the powerfully live Harry Chapin. Nonetheless,
it captures Harry's great iconoclastic songwriting--Harry takes the story song to new heights here. But the album works best
for those ready for it; don't buy it until you are ready to appreciate it!
